Fancy Live Wall - Create fancy wallpapers from your pictures!Fancy Live Wall is a Live Wallpaper that creates themed wallpapers using pictures on your
Fancy Live Wall - Create fancy wallpapers from your pictures!
Fancy Live Wall is a Live Wallpaper that creates themed wallpapers using pictures on your device. You can select individual pictures or albums to be displayed as your wallpaper, along with a theme you would like your pictures to be fitted into. Your wallpaper will change at specific time interval according to your preference.
- Pictures slide show
- Themes
- Fading effect when changing pictures
- Edge fading
- Double tap to change picture
As this is a Live Wallpaper, the icon will *not* appear on your launcher. To activate Fancy Live Wall, press Menu button while you are on your home screen, select Wallpaper -> Live Wallpaper -> Fancy Live Wall.
If you found any bugs, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with the description of the bug.